Nature Happenings

  • NABA National Butterfly count.*

  • Except for goldfinches and late bluebirds, bird breeding and nesting season ends this month.

  • Mississippi Kites begin fledging their young.

  • Mallards and Wood Ducks molt into their "eclipse" plumage and are unable to fly for several weeks.

  • Watch local ponds for immature herons and bitterns.

  • Fall shorebird migration begins this month.

  • Blackbirds begin to flock and appear at feeders.

  • First brood of immature hummingbirds begin to show up at nectar feeders early in the month.

  • Hummingbirds begin staging south and start showing up more at feeders.

  • Keep your feeders and bird baths clean and your seed fresh through hot months.

  • Barn Swallow fall migration begins.

  • Delta Aquarids Meteor shower peaks in late-July.

NABA-Tennessee Valley
Bill Haley - President
215 McFarland Ave.
Chattanooga, TN 37405
Phone: 800-262-0695 ext. 4056
E-mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Zebra Swallowtail, the Tennessee state bird

Molting Mallard

Wood Duck with eclipse plumage (molting)

 Immature Great Blue Heron

Flock of Red-winged Blackbirds

Immature Ruby-throated Hummingbird at nectar feeder

Barn Swallow

Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower